Prana Vayu Therapy
“Prana” is the one life force that permeates all living things and in fact all matter. This cohesive, animating force is also known as “Maha Prana” or great prana. In the human body, this universal prana has been observed to move in specific ways in specific regions in the body, regulating and controlling physical and mental function. Though there are 49 distinct prana vayus or types of vayus in the body, five principle vayus or “panacha pranas” are important for the yogi to recognize. The word vayu translates as “wind,” connoting all-pervading movement.
The root ‘va’ means “that which flows” – and so a vayu is a vehicle for activities and experiences within the body, or a “force” that moves throughout the system controlling functions such as digestion, respiration, nerve impulses act.
These pancha pranas are categorized as: Prana vayu, Apana vayu, Samana vayu, Udana vayu and Vyana vayu. Though they function in unison together, each governing a specific area of the body. They can be thought of as elemental forces that are not just the physical, but govern emotional qualities and mental energies, fundamental to physical, mental and emotional well-being.
The practices of yoga, especially asana and pranayama, optimize the functioning of these vayus as well as bring them under our influence. Their energies can then be used to uplift ourselves and restore vibrant health.
Consult Dr. Jatinder Kumar Jaiswal before using Prana Vayu Therapy.
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